Presumed to be the only AM2 chassis with this particular body style
In very good condition and apparently roadworthy
A plus
At a time when convertible cars were considered the sporting choice, but fixed roof coupes and saloons were often the more practical option, some car manufacturers produced cars known as 'Faux Cabriolets'. These cars looked like convertibles in every way, with fabric-covered roofs and decorative exterior hinges. But in reality, they were coupes in disguise.
Here we have a superb Hotchkiss which the vendor believes to be the only Riviera Faux cabriolet in France based on the AM2 chassis. Having been well preserved in a museum collection for many years, we are informed that the car is original and unrestored - quite remarkable for a vehicle approaching its centenary. It has a very nice appearance, and we understand that the car is in good running order.
For those looking for a rare, unusual and interesting pre-war classic, this beautiful Hotchkiss is an interesting opportunity. We love the Art Deco-inspired grille design and the sleek lines - almost like those of a 'chopped' hot-rod. These cars were very successful in their day, offering competitive performance and exceptional build quality. For their age, they are very driveable.
History and documents
65,225 km indicated
Free from Technical Inspection
Spent many years in a museum in Les Sables-d'Olonne
One of 19,755 AM2 chassis apparently built
The vendor believes that this is probably the only AM2 with this body in France
We are informed that this car has never been restored
French registration documentation present
Beautifully preserved inside and out
No signs of major panel damage or corrosion
Slight wear consistent with the age of the fabric-covered roof
Very neat paintwork and chrome finish with minimal signs of age, wear or deterioration
We are not aware of any apparent problems with the chassis or the integrity of the original bodywork.
Heavy duty painted spoked wheels all appear to be in good condition, including the rear mounted spare wheel
Very neat interior with upholstery and woodwork in excellent condition
Controls, instruments and switches all present beautifully
The mechanics
2.4-litre four-cylinder OHV engine
Four-speed manual gearbox
Four-wheel drum brakes
Semi-elliptic leaf springs front and rear
Neat engine compartment
Appears to be in very good running and driving condition
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Auction Details
65,225 Kilometres
Engine size2400
Seller TypePrivate
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