
• Major Body-off Restoration
• New Paint job 
• Restored by a respected engineer, motoring journalist and TV presenter

The Background 

The Jeep Wrangler YJ can trace its lineage all the way back to the famous Willys Jeep of the 1940’s. Produced between 1986-1995 the YJ was able to borrow some parts from the Cherokee and from AMC’s partner, Renault’s, parts bin. It was obviously a Jeep, with the open bodywork and the seven slated grid, but this was the only Jeep of its kind to get square headlights, something we haven’t really seen since.

A Jeep usually becomes a classic and is always noticeable with the straight lines and open-air cockpit, the YJ would become even more a cult classic after its role in Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park.

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The History 

This car had been sat on a driveway for a while until the current owner got ahold of it, there is some paperwork to point to the fact that this Jeep spent some of its time overseas in France. When the current owner bought the Jeep, it was then put through a major body off restoration to get rid of any rust or problem areas.
It is entirely justified to mention that the company who carried out this work is the brainchild of well respected chartered engineer, Ralph Hosier, a veteran motoring journalist, author and TV personality, who has presented shows such as Supercar Megabuild for National Geographic and Scrapyard Supercar on Dave. Some of his most well known builds include Shane Lynch's Rolls Royce drift car and Top Gear's insane L200 'Project Swarm' desert truck.
Ralph has spent nearly 30 years as an engineer, working with companies such as Jaguar Land Rover, Bentley and Ford, as well as countless other projects. If you have any concerns about the standard of work carried out here, then now is probably a good time to forget about those worries.

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The Paperwork 

There is some paperwork that comes with the car. A few MOT certificates show some of the history of the car, as you can see from them the truck didn’t cover much distance in a year.

There are a couple of receipts from work done when the car was overseas in France. With the current owner being an engineer, all the restoration work has been completed by them and there will be a fresh MOT put on the vehicle before sale.

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The Interior

During the restoration of the vehicle the interior benefitted from new door cards and some new carpets in the footwells. Being a Jeep there isn’t much in the way of creature comforts everything is just functional, but who needs air-conditioning when there isn’t any roof.

Your entry into the vehicle is aided with some nice side steps, the seats are in good condition, and they are a pretty comfortable place to sit. For passenger safety and comfort the roll over cage within the truck is covered in foam. All in all, the interior of the truck is in good condition.

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The Exterior

The exterior has just had a new lick of paint, with the colour now being black with a bit of sparkle in it. In the sunlight you can really see the sparkle of the new paint.

The truck also now runs on 4 new wheels and tires with the spare wheel on the rear deck matching too. To help with night driving it has now also had a full LED lighting conversion allowing you to see where you are going in the dark.
The Jeep also comes with a soft top, great for those off road days when the weather turns a bit, well - British!

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The Mechanics

Fitted with the 4.0L straight six block this truck pulls well and with it recently having a major service it is running as well as it can, this engine is then attached onto an auto box with runs smoothly, it is an old box compared to modern standards so don’t expect split second gear changes.

During the time with the current owner a new custom side exit exhaust has been fitted, this allows you to hear just how good the engine sounds.

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The Appeal 

Everyone knows the Jeep; it is one of the most well-known off roaders going. And with the recent restoration this example of a Wrangler XJ is in great condition. The body off aspect has meant that any spot of rust has been addressed before it has time to become an issue.

This truck allows you fun motoring in comfort, something you don’t get in many 4x4’s. With the little improvements made through the restoration period including the new LED lights, carpets and with the lovely soundtrack of the 4.0l straight six out of the side exit exhaust this truck allows you to enjoy any trip you go on in comfort.

Notice to bidders

Although every care is taken to ensure this listing is as factual and transparent as possible, all details within the listing are subject to the information provided to us by the seller. Car & Classic does not take responsibility for any information missing from the listing. Please ensure you are satisfied with the vehicle description and all information provided before placing a bid.

As is normal for most auctions, this vehicle is sold as seen, and therefore the Sale of Goods Act 1979 does not apply. All bids are legally binding once placed. Any winning bidder who withdraws from a sale, is subject to our bidders fee charge. Please see our FAQs and T&C's for further information. Viewings of vehicles are encouraged, but entirely at the seller's discretion.

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Domande frequenti sulle aste
Specifiche del veicolo
  • Anno 1994
  • Marca Jeep
  • Modello Wrangler YJ 4.0
  • Colore Black
  • Chilometraggio 106,000 Miglia
  • Cilindrata 3960
Dettagli d'asta
  • Tipo di venditore Privato
  • Posizione Bedfordshire
  • Paese Regno Unito
Storico delle offerte
2 offerte da 1 offerenti
  • gi•••• £9,000 22/09/21
  • gi•••• £5,000 22/09/21
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