
• Recently Restored
• A capable bike even today – Can still do 80mph
• 500cc 2 Stroke and water-cooled. 
• Lots of paperwork 

The Background 

Produced between 1926 until the outbreak of war the Scott Flying Squirrel was an expensive and unconventional bike at the time of its launch. Produced to help Scott get out of financial problems the Flying Squirrel were water cooled two stroke bikes that were almost double the price of other options on the market at the time.

Scott had already produced exceptional bikes that were capable of winning the TT in 1912 and 1913 and the Flying Squirrel was no different with its 3-speed gearbox and 500cc engine it was capable of outpacing almost anything else on the market at the time of its introduction. It is considered such an important bike that the National Motor Museum had a Squirrel 500cc on display.

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The History 

Little is known about this bike prior to the year 2000 where there is a bit of correspondence between the Scott Owners Club, a Mr. Lees and the DVLA. Within this document there is information that relates to the bikes immediate whereabouts after it left the factory, it went to a Mr. A. E. Brown of Hull and then after this the trail goes cold.

In 2000 a new ‘Age Related Registration’ was issued by the DVLA and this is the plate it now sits on. The current owner bought the bike as a restoration project at auction and over the past two years has built it back into an amazing example of a Flying Squirrel. Using parts sourced from the aforementioned Scott Owners Club or fabrication fixtures and fitting their selves in their home workshop.

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The Paperwork 

This Flying Squirrel comes with paperwork to relate to its most recent rebuild and most recent sale with H&H auctions. The current owner has kept receipts and invoices that relate to the recent restoration, some of these are digital copies, however. There is also an up to date V5.

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The Aesthetics

The ‘interior’ of this bike is obviously a little sparce as it’s a classic racing bike. However, both seats are in excellent condition and look like they are both fairly comfortable to use on a spritely ride through the English countryside.

The dual tank is also in great condition with only a slight mark on the right-hand side, it has been touched up and is only really noticeable in the right lighting conditions. Both the grips, bright work and handlebars are in great condition with thanks to the restoration it has just been through.

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The frame was sent off to be powder coated as part of the recent restoration and it now looks great in the jet-black finish. The water-cooling radiator is in great condition and has been polished too sparkly like new.

The interesting feature on the exterior of this Flying Squirrel is the red paint on the headers, when they left the Scott Factory the engines came with two different colour finishes. Green would denote a normal road bike, but red would point towards it being a racing example. This is further backed up by the lack of lights or magneto brackets.

There was a short time when the current owner thought it could be a TT Replica released by Scott due to all of these features but sadly, they were informed this was not possible as it has the wrong forks to be a TT replica.

As you can imagine the exterior of this bike is in great condition and it has been put back together with such care that it could even be a museum piece.

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The Mechanics 

With the bike having just undergone the restoration you would be correct in thinking that the mechanical elements also got a bit a love and you’d be right. This bike starts up; however, the current owner is sadly unable to ride it so we cannot say what it rides like. 

The Flying Squirrel came out of the factory with a 3-speed manual change gear lever on the side of the bike. This bike is a 2 stroke, but Scott decided that you shouldn’t have to worry about the perfect oil and fuel ratio yourself, the bike sorts it all out itself. 

You will see that the tank has two filler ports which both correspond to either 2 stroke oil or petrol, the bike will then feed both into a chamber and automatically mixes the ratio for you, so you don’t have to deal with messy measurements into the tank at the petrol pump.

The Appeal 

This is a unique type of bike that you don’t see that often these days, during the photoshoot almost everyone who walked past stopped and asked about the bike reciting the fact that ‘they don’t make them how they used to’ and this is too true.

With race winning pedigree and futuristic technology for a 1934 motorcycle this is a true example of British engineering at its finest. With the recent restoration work this is now a stunning example of a Flying Squirrel that you could easily mistake with a museum piece but this is a working and rideable motorcycle and with the acclaimed top speed it will also keep up with modern traffic should it ever go on the road.

Notice to bidders

Although every care is taken to ensure this listing is as factual and transparent as possible, all details within the listing are subject to the information provided to us by the seller. Car & Classic does not take responsibility for any information missing from the listing. Please ensure you are satisfied with the vehicle description and all information provided before placing a bid.

As is normal for most auctions, this vehicle is sold as seen, and therefore the Sale of Goods Act 1979 does not apply. All bids are legally binding once placed. Any winning bidder who withdraws from a sale, is subject to our bidders fee charge. Please see our FAQs and T&C's for further information. Viewings of vehicles are encouraged, but entirely at the seller's discretion.

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Domande frequenti sulle aste
Specifiche del veicolo
  • Anno 1934
  • Marca Scott
  • Modello Flying Squirrel
  • Colore Black
  • Chilometraggio 0
  • Cilindrata 500
Dettagli d'asta
  • Tipo di venditore Privato
  • Posizione London
  • Paese Regno Unito
Storico delle offerte
33 offerte
  • Ra•••• £8,600 11/10/21
  • ne•••• £8,500 11/10/21
  • Ra•••• £8,400 11/10/21
  • ne•••• £8,300 11/10/21
  • Ra•••• £8,200 11/10/21
  • ne•••• £8,100 11/10/21
  • Ra•••• £8,000 11/10/21
  • ne•••• £7,900 11/10/21
  • Ra•••• £7,800 11/10/21
  • ne•••• £7,700 11/10/21
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