RESERVE LOWERED - 1999 Rover Mini 1.3i

Guide price: £20,000- £25,000


・Excellent condition throughout
・High specification model sporting wood and leather
・Under 19,000 miles from new
・Rare model from final production run

The Background

If there was ever a car that needed no introduction, it's the Mini. It was a revolution in motoring and a cultural icon which endured for more than 40 years and even when replaced by a larger, more modern, and safer machine, its look and name persisted.
Famously designed by Sir Alec Issigonis, the original Mini was engineered to fit four adults and their luggage in the least amount of car possible – 80% of the car's footprint was space for occupants. It just so happened that the layout, with the wheels pushed as far into the corners as possible, gave the Mini excellent handling characteristics and the car went on to become a potent racing machine too.
The Mini has had many names over the years, largely thanks to a complicated ownership situation. Originally known as the Morris Mini Minor and Austin Seven, it eventually became its own marque under the Rover brand.
After BMW bought Rover in 1994, the Mini's days were numbered. The final run of cars, including the one you see here, started in 1996 with the final Mk7 car rolling out of Longbridge in October 2000.

The History

This car first hit the roads in April 1999, almost 40 years after the first Minis. At this point in time, Rover was effectively selling two standard Mini specifications, with the Cooper far outstripping the base 1.3i – making this a pretty unusual vehicle.
Further to that, the first owner specified the car with the sports pack – adding 13-inch alloy wheels and the extra driving lights – along with the full length electric vinyl roof, walnut dash, and full cream leather trim. That would have made it pretty expensive as Minis go.
Judging by the stamped service books, it stayed pretty close to home, running the roads of Halesowen, Coventry, and Leicester for the early part of its life. From there it headed to Yorkshire, where an owner used it as a show car, before going down to a specialist Mini dealer in Devon. That's where the current owner spotted it, shipping it all the way back up to Yorkshire again.
As you can tell by the very low mileage, it's a rarely driven car. In the last year it's moved 200 miles, of the barely 1,000 it's covered in the last decade, and that's part of the motivation for moving it on to a new home.

The Paperwork

You'll find an original, suede-covered Mini handbook, containing the original documents for the car, stereo, and service record. This record is fully stamped by Rover main dealers all the way up to 2011 at 17,100 miles, with its most recent service, at 18,250, carried out by a Mini specialist in Devon in July 2020.
There's a handful of receipts too, although the Mini hasn't covered a great deal of mileage and hasn't really needed much replacing as a result.  A new battery and new tyres, along with spark plugs and a belt change tells you the story of a well cared-for car with very few miles under its wheels.
All of the car's MOTs are also in a binder, some from the electronic record, which also tell the same tale. But for the tyres and a couple of suspension components, it would have a clean bill of health, and there's nothing but green ticks since September 2012.

The Interior

There's a lot packed into this Mini's tiny cabin and for the most part it is immaculate. It genuinely does have to be seen to be believed.
Firstly, we have all four seats trimmed in cream leather, with black piping, as a factory option. That's matched with the same leather on the door cards and, incredibly, the boot. Although small, the entire boot is lined in the same leather and black piping, including the fuel tank and spare wheel.
Even the original tool kit has its own cream leather pouch. There is a small patch of scuffing on the driver's seat back, quite low down, which is unnoticeable unless the seat is pitched forward, but otherwise it's all in perfect condition. There's black carpet throughout the cabin, also in top condition.
The cabin also feature extended walnut trim running from the parcel shelf all the way around the car and across the dash. It continues onto the door handles, gear shift and window winders - it's like someone shrunk a top specification Rover 75, and it's an impressive look with not a mark on it.
All of the vehicle instruments are black-on-white, set into chrome-ringed dials, and all factory fresh. The controls all work as they ought, including the electric mechanism for the full length folding vinyl roof.

The Exterior

It's tough to tell whether the exterior is more impressive than the interior, but the Mini is also excellent on the outside. There is again not a mark on the silver paint that we can find, and the black fabric roof is also in brand new condition. That also applies to the wheels – 13-inch items in the classic Minilite style – which look like they could have just been fitted on the production line at Longbridge.
There's chrome accents all round the car too – bumpers, door mirrors, grille and light surrounds, fuel filler – and they're all mirror-finish (and hard to photograph as a result!). Previous owners might not have driven the Mini much, but they certainly knew how to polish it.
That's even more apparent when you lift the bonnet. You're treated to even more chrome here, including a gleaming rocker cover, and there's not a square inch of dull metal or faded black plastic in sight. The yellow HT leads are an unusual touch, but they fit in with all the user-serviceable caps and labels around the engine bay.
Underneath the Mini is about as clean as we've seen a car. While the exhaust mid-section does display that the car has a few years and miles on it – although nothing to cause any concern – the rest of the Mini is almost spotless below the sills.

The Mechanics

Although rarely driven, this Mini still exhibits the traditional Mini attributes and desire to be driven. It has that characteristic Mini attitude, with a relatively firm ride and eagerness to change direction which won it so many fans over 40 years.
There's no issues with the suspension or brakes, and no untoward noises that would suggest anything hiding away. The engine pulls well, and all four forward gears, and reverse, work without any problems.
The car starts up on the button, and idles without issue, and the stainless exhaust allows the classic 1.3 a little extra room to bark as it picks up and drops revs too.

The Appeal

Minis in general remain among the most popular cars ever made, and with five million of these originals produced there's plenty of choice out there. However this particular one is in an extremely high specification, comes from the last 18 months of production, and has been kept in pretty spectacular condition. If you're after a very rare Mini you can just drive – or take to shows – this ticks all the boxes.

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Although every care is taken to ensure this listing is as factual and transparent as possible, all details within the listing are subject to the information provided to us by the seller. Car & Classic does not take responsibility for any information missing from the listing. Please ensure you are satisfied with the vehicle description and all information provided before placing a bid.

As is normal for most auctions, this vehicle is sold as seen, and therefore the Sale of Goods Act 1979 does not apply. All bids are legally binding once placed. Any winning bidder who withdraws from a sale, is subject to our bidders fee charge. Please see our FAQs and T&C's for further information. Viewings of vehicles are encouraged, but entirely at the sellers discretion.

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Domande frequenti sulle aste
Specifiche del veicolo
  • Anno 1999
  • Marca Rover
  • Modello Mini
  • Colore Silver
  • Chilometraggio 18,431 Miglia
  • Cilindrata 1275
Dettagli d'asta
  • Tipo di venditore Privato
  • Posizione Yorkshire
  • Paese Regno Unito
Storico delle offerte
29 offerte
  • mi•••• £21,600 07/05/21
  • Ja•••• £21,350 07/05/21
  • mi•••• £21,100 07/05/21
  • Ja•••• £20,850 07/05/21
  • Ja•••• £20,600 07/05/21
  • mi•••• £20,350 07/05/21
  • Ja•••• £20,100 07/05/21
  • mi•••• £19,850 07/05/21
  • Ja•••• £19,600 07/05/21
  • mi•••• £19,350 07/05/21
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